Recommended romance novels
- Black Velvet Seductions (Publisher)
- Magnolia Blossom (Publisher)
Writing advice
- Writing for Theater and Film by Carina Jaramillo (special thanks to Chloe and Anna for the tip)
- How to submit a manuscript (Authors Publish)
- Social Media for Writers (YouTube video)
- Laurie’s Place (includes writing classes for developmental writing)
- Harsh writing advice (YouTube video)
- Creative writing lessons: Creative Writing tips, advice and lessons from bestseller Stephen King (YouTube video)
- How to Write a Book: 13 Steps From a Bestselling Author (YouTube video)
- Solace Magazine (on Wattpad)
- How dreams help writing by Alice Renaud, author of the Sea of Love series
- Show-don’t-tell cheat sheet: facial expressions by Callie Carmen, author of the Risking Love series.
- Microexpressions – show don’t tell hints
- Punctuation in Dialogue
- One Stop For Writers®
- Writing good sex scenes (Richard Savage, Black Velvet Seductions CEO)
- Writing BDSM for beginners (by author Annabel Allan interviewed on Alternative Read)
- The Sexy Thesaurus (great tips on action and description words for love scenes)
Health tips for writers
- Prowriting Aid
- Grammarly
- Campfire Technology (a great starter for building stories)
Writers’ Associations
- Romance Writers of Australia (RWA)
- Australian Romance Readers’ Association (ARRA)
- Queensland Writers Centre (Australia)
- Bundaberg Writers’ Club (Australia)
Impressive list, Estelle. I clicked on the Social Media for Writers and found that there was one video after the next from various experts in the industry. Great tip.
Callie Carmen
Thanks, Callie 🙂
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