Beta reading and editing services

Are you looking for affordable beta reading and light editing services? Let’s polish your story to shine.

“The edit was detailed and neat. The suggestions helped me to refine my sentence structure and phrasing.”

Customer review

Questions writers should ask:

  • Does my story need a makeover?
  • Am I info-dumping or telling instead of showing my story?
  • Is the story littered with purple prose?
  • Are my characters flat?
  • How’s my hero doing in her/his journey?
  • Does my plot have holes? Weak pinch points? How’s the midpoint?
  • Does my book attract readers and make them fall in love with it?
  • Does it allow readers to commit to it from start to finish?

Questions, questions…but we have to ask them.

I use the Chicago Manual of Style. I edit in American and UK English – you pick and tell me. Heck, I can go Aussie if you like. πŸ™‚

Experienced and affordable

Critical, analytical, and an avid book reader. πŸ™‚

I love to read.

Give me a good book, and I’ll devour every word. Analyzing stories is one way I connect with the world around me. Strange, but it works. πŸ˜‰

As a former journalist, BA graduate, and MBA graduate (top 10% of my class), I’ve had various work published – news articles, press releases, magazine articles, and academic work. Today, I’m on the management team for a corporate firm.

Outside work hours, I’ve helped authors boost their stories in the publishing world, turning invisible stories into successes. Plus, I’m an award-winning author with two publishers and a former ambassador for a multi-million-reader story platform.

Do you need a motivational butt-kicker? You won’t get false flattery, but you’ll get what you need for your writing to improve.

I’m offering three packages:

1. Love at first sight
2. Stuck together
3. Til death do us part
4. Beyond eternity

1. Love at first sight deal

Your woe

Why don’t they like my story?

You want to hook your readers. But something’s not working and your story start may need a makeover.

My fix

Maybe it’s time for a makeover.

I will:

  • Beta read and lightly edit the start of your story.
  • Give you critical feedback.
  • Address character introduction, setting the scene, your writing style, and areas of improvement.
  • Kick your talented ass so your story will start shining.


  • Love at First Sight 1: $25- up to 2,000 words
  • Love at First Sight 2: $45 – up to 5,000 words
Let’s do this!

Turnaround time: up to one week (7 days) from payment. Please contact me regarding my availability first. Payment method: PayPal.

2. Stuck together deal

Readers love me! My publisher loves me! My agent loves me! They all love me!

It’s the same deal as Love at First Sight for up to 10,000 words.

Value: $85 for 6,0000-10,0000 words

Turnaround time: up to two weeks (14 days) from payment. Please contact me regarding my availability first. Payment method: PayPal.

3. Til death do us part deal

For good times and challenging times, we’re sticking through from start to finish.

I’ll beta-read and lightly edit your entire whole novel up to 20,000 words. I’ll tell you everything I love about your story and everything that needs improvement. You’ll get all of the above thrown in for:

Value: $165 for 11,000 – 20,000 words.

Turnaround time: up to three weeks (21 days) from payment. Please contact me regarding my availability first. Payment method: PayPal.

4. Beyond eternity deal

If your story exceeds 20,000 words, contact me for a tailored and affordable price and practical timeframe.


Email: [email protected]

Ground rules

  • You, as a writer, have a duty to make sure you put effort into your story. I will not be rewriting the entire story for you. I am here to help, not do your job. Your story is your job.
  • I don’t offer refunds for the work I do. I have made it clear that this is beta reading and light editing. I will spot common errors, repeated mistakes, spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, and syntax issues. However, I am not a developmental editor, and I am not a line editor (line by line).
  • I will not work with rude clients. Respect is one of the key factors toward success.
  • As mentioned earlier, I will need to see if your needs/time frame matches my availability and schedule.
  • I prefer romance, tasteful erotica (not porn), thrillers, new adult, women’s literature, nonfiction, gothic horror, historical fiction, action, sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure.
  • I will not read stories that glorify rape, sexual or any other abuse, or gory violence. I will not read stories that promote prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community, gender, or race.
  • I prefer not to read fanfiction (send me a 500-word sample so I can assess if I’ll take on the project), and I will not read comics.
  • The prices will go up over time. The prices you see on the page today are what you pay for if you sign up now.

*Disclaimer: my editing services don’t offer sales. This is about the craft of writing.