A book worth reading about driving positive changes
The 3 Cs of Creating Change: Making an Impact Through Connections, Community & Culture by Tedx speaker and Mensa member Ace Mamun is a highly inspiring book providing rich insights into how we can be drivers of positive change.
The book reminded me of the importance of spreading positivity and kindness in a world where competition can be fierce, and loneliness is abundant. We can empower and be empowered by harnessing our connections, by being brave enough to engage in our communities, and by being inclusive and empathetic.
The author writes about embracing a more inclusive approach to help strengthen empathy, compassion, and collaboration. He makes an important point that communities are great places for people to join efforts to connect and cooperate, or collaborate.
A topic I found particularly interesting was social capital. It is a valuable resource that we can leverage towards creating greater connections, compassion, and influence fairness. We can use our competencies for causes that matter, forge relationships, and invest more toward collaboration.
With regard to culture, his views on recognizing diversity and leadership resonated well with my personal thoughts and opinions. I especially liked the mention of the McDonaldization of society – referring to homogenizing cultures and its role in diminishing cultural diversity. Yet, the author notes that in this digital age, we can do so much to overcome such challenges. Virtual communities can enable and foster the rise of global and cross-cultural richness and collaboration.
The author gives excellent advice on resolving conflicts easily and civilly while maintaining relationships. He discusses the importance of mindfulness, tolerance, being a good listener, and how to avoid jumping to conclusions.
Once I started reading the book, I couldn’t put it down. The flow from one chapter to the next was a smooth journey for me, as the reader. I connected with the author’s tone of voice – warm, informative, and friendly while encouraging the reader to engage in key takeaways, value-added tasks, and a bonus gift – a 30-day kindness calendar.
Overall, The 3 Cs of Creating Change is one of the most insightful books I’ve read, and I will undoubtedly reread it.
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About the author
Ace Mamun is a TEDx speaker and has delivered talks across the globe on social evolution and dynamics. He has been the ambassador of the world’s largest expat group, a globally exhibited artist, and guest lecturer at multiple universities. Brought up with and across innumerable cultures, Ace offers a unique perspective, from first-hand experience, on the sheer power of our connectivity in society and communities today.