
Given to impress and gain favor, Janine knows she’s tribute. The government of earth has newly moved into space and they want more. The K’mac world has what they want. So in their wisdom, they’ve offered women thinking the K’mac don’t have enough women.

P’lar does not want a mate. He doesn’t trust the humans and he objects to the tribute. But unless he wants to challenge his brother, he must follow orders.

Treachery insinuates itself into the union between the humans and the K’mac. Someone betrays the chieftain. P’lar thinks it’s his mate and the other human women.

Until P’lar can discover the spy, he trusts no one… especially not his new mate.

About Ava M Taylor

Ava M Taylor (Eileen Troemel) writes action packed and emotionally powerful erotic romance. Her characters are vivacious and real. Her stories – whether contemporary or fantasy – always have a happy ending. She takes the reader to places they never expected to go. She makes fantasy flesh!

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  1. Eileen Troemel

    Thank you for sharing my book! I hope your followers enjoy the snippet! It releases on August 17! While it’s part of a series, this is a complete story on it’s own.

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