Happy Women’s Day from three amazing romance heroines!

Happy Women’s Day, on March 8, from three heroines whose strength and courage shine in sizzling contemporary romance books:

  1. Ali Stinson of the Ruby Red series ( slow burns and worth the wait kisses)
  2. Ava Goode of the Goode Pain series (BDSM and erotic romance – safe, sane, & consensual))
  3. Sapphire Blake of the Seduction series (highly steamy romance, five flames)

Ali Stinson

Ali Stinson from the Ruby Red series

If you like:

🔥 opposite worlds
💋 steamy scenes
😎 secrets and hidden identities
❤️ slow burns and worth the wait kisses
🫦bold heroines
😍 golden retriever heroes

Ruby Red is the romance book for you.

About Ruby Red

When she discovers her bank accounts drained, spoilt socialite Ali Stinson has two choices, admit defeat or accept the help of the one man she might lose her heart to. Sam Freemont moved to LA for a fresh start, not to meet the woman of his dreams. Will his secret destroy the delicate trust she has placed in him or will love conquer all?

More info: https://www.dlcroisette.com/

What is your message to readers on International Women’s Day, March 8?

To all the bold and courageous women out there, be they fearlessly on the front lines making a statement or quietly behind the scenes driving change, March 8th is a day to stand in solidarity and recognize your value.

Let’s celebrate our achievements, recognize our challenges and lend a helping hand to those in need. This year, as in the past, I’ll be donating my time and money to my local women’s shelter. How will you mark this day?

Ava Goode

Ava Goode from the Goode Paine series

My name is Ava Goode…and I’m a Dominatrix at the sex club Xposed in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

One could say that my life made a violent turn into the unpredictable; everything started while I was working a day job in insurance & Dominating submissives in my private dungeon in the evenings/weekends. No one knew at the time. No one really knew me. They just assumed I was multi-billionaire Duncan Miller’s daughter. Then I met Gabriel Burton…It gets a little complicated from there. I think Estelle will agree, it gets majorly complicated.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

My true goal as a Dominatrix is to empower women. It’s not about me, about sex, about BDSM. I really want all those who identify as the feminine to realize that they are goddesses and should be treated as such. I think it’s finding that outlet, that opportunity to Dominate, to show that you are confident & know you are worthy of that god-like praise.

And it doesn’t have to be in the bedroom or in a Dungeon. Just getting that respect, the reverence, feeling that you’re worthy, adored, & valued. Because women have been historically undervalued, underappreciated, and seen as not worthy, even of basic human rights.

It’s time to prove that women are absolutely the most powerful.


Are you in a relationship with a man who is all for gender equality? What are his strengths and best qualities?

At this current time, I’m engaged to a man…and yes, he’s also my full-time submissive.

I think his strength lies in his capability to submit. He accepts that he finds pleasure in relinquishing control, therefore accepting, and trusting me. And because he doesn’t have that need to Dominate, whether in the Dungeon or outside of it, he makes a great teammate—a big misconception about D/s is that the Dominant is solely in the dynamic to get what they want. In reality, there’s a very healthy amount of communication, and as the one in the Dominant role, I’m trying to provide a safe space & fulfil the desires of my submissive. It takes teamwork, working together.

And, honestly, it’s taken me time to open up, to understand him. Funnily enough, he’s always understood me. It’s taken me time to even admit that I’m in love with him…but he’s always been there, waiting for it to dawn on me.

That’s another one of his strengths—he’s patient. But, still persistent.

Where can people find out more about you?

People can find more about me & the Goode Pain series either at www.annabelallan.com OR buy the first in the series, “Edgeplay” (released by Black Velvet Seductions) at www.books2read.com/edgeplaygp01

Sapphire Blake

Sapphire Blake from the Seduction series

My name is Sapphire Blake. I’m an introvert, but I speak my mind when it comes to matters of the heart. I fell in love with a college professor, who showed me what it means to be truly loved. Our relationship had a rocky start, but he’s willing to fight for us.

Here is my story:

Fresh from a breakup, Sapphire Blake embarks on a new journey as a college student. Freeing herself from the expectations of others, innocent Sapphire experiments with her new casual lover, Vera Richland.

Handsome, smart, and intimidating, Julian Richland finds himself enthralled with Saira Quinn, a powerful woman willing to pay top dollar for his time in the bedroom. To pay his debts and continue his lavish lifestyle, Julian discovers a world filled with sex, drugs, and lies.

Vera introduces Sapphire to her brother and sparks fly. Julian sees a sexy vixen who he wants despite her conservative background. He desires to school her in passion, but he must keep his budding relationship secret.

Will his secrets and his desires put Sapphire in danger?

Sapphire, what is your message on Women’s Day?

Be proud of your achievements, be confident, and be supportive of others.

Be courageous. Change can be good for you and the people around you. Try new things. Learn new technologies. You don’t have to be perfect at everything you do.

Surround yourself with good and positive people. Don’t worry about the things that don’t matter. Tomorrow has its own worries.

Pick your battles wisely: when to speak up and hold back (think, breathe, think). Have fun working together with others, and appreciate each other’s unique qualities.

Where can we find you?

You can find me at:  https://amzn.to/2Ng8YbD or check out what Literary Titans book review thinks of my story.

Lessons on Seduction, a thrilling erotic romance book.

One Comment

  1. Thank you so much, Estelle! I hope Ava can inspire everyone!

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