Making the most of an Easter lockdown

For many of us, the Easter holiday gives us a bit of time off work or study to relax and spend time relaxing. During these COVID times, it may mean a different way of celebrating Easter.

My partner and I decided to stay ‘in town’ instead. We picked up our swags (bags) and slept in a hotel for a few days. Our time away from home meant that we let go of cooking, cleaning, or doing the laundry for a few days.

Celebrate a book launch

We also celebrated the launch of Cowboy Desire, an anthology of sweet to raunchy romances by 14 authors with romance publisher Black Velvet Seductions. It was a fun day of interaction with authors and readers, as well as old friends I hadn’t spoken to for a while.

Celebrating the Cowboy Desire anthology launch. Image: author’s own.

See a movie

My partner and I watched Gunda, a brilliantly constructed documentary directed by Viktor Kossakovsky about the circle of life in a barnyard. My partner didn’t quite enjoy it so much (he groaned loudly when I showed him this part of the blog article 😕) … Just as I don’t enjoy many popular films.

This is a poster for Gunda (2020 film), retrieved from Wikipedia, and is used for informational purposes only.

Rekindle the joy of reading

What else did I do? Yep, I read. And read. And read.

By the time this blog is out, I would have finished two books that I started a while ago but took longer than expected due to the busyness (and business 😂) of life:

  1. A White Knight Falls by Virginia Wallace. Oh my goodness, where do I start? This is the first rockstar romance I’ve (soon) fully finished reading. I can relate to the ferocity of the female main character, Kate, and was captivated by the ‘love/hate’ passion between her and fellow musician/love interest Alec. Virginia was smart with the way she weaved the reflective moments in the book. The descriptions were perfect, and the story had a great twist toward the end.
A White Knight Falls by Virginia Wallace. Publisher: Black Velvet Seductions. Cover designed by: Jessica Greeley.
  1. A Merman’s Choice by Alice Renaud. I haven’t been transported to the magical world of merpeople since I was about ten, pretending to be a mermaid and buying a ‘wishing’ bracelet that didn’t transport me to a magical place. Well, the author must’ve put a spell on me because I was transported to that magical place I’d wanted to be in years ago. Alice spun a wonderful story that made me feel I was really there with Yann, the gorgeous shape-shifting merman, and his lover Alex.
A Merman’s Choice by Alice Renaud. Publisher: Black Velvet Seductions. Cover designed by: Jessica Greeley.

If you’ve got time off this Easter or any holiday, I hope that you make time to rediscover the things you love most.

Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy.

Have a peaceful, safe, and happy holiday. 😊


  1. Sweet, simple, and true! These are relaxing ways to spend Easter movies, books, and in my case anime 😆.

  2. Thank you very much Estelle for the shout out!! I hope you have a very nice Easter week end.

  3. Suzanne Smith

    I’m with you on When the White Knight Falls and A Merman’s Choice. They were both great books. Have a wonderful Easter.

  4. It sounds like the perfect get away – reading, movie, and time with the honey! Merman’s Choice is amazing! I love Alice Renaud’s stories. I’ve not read Virginia Wallace’s book yet but she’s on my list.

  5. Great idea. Have a wonderful Easter.

  6. Gibby Campbell

    Great suggestions. Stay-cays can be the best way to reconnect, and who doesn’t love a good hotel romp? I am reading Cowboy Desire right now. Fabulous!!


    Lovely blog, Estelle. I would love a day to do nothing but read.
    We were exchanging Christmas presents on Easter since we had not seen family for so long.

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