Bad boys of romance

Bad boys of romance

What’s with the bad boys of romance? Okay, so I’ve been asked a few times: what’s all the hype about bad boy characters in romance novels? Well, it’s not news. The ‘bad boys’ have been around for centuries and they are appealing for various reasons. According to the Oxford Dictionary online, a bad boy is …

Dispelling the myths of an erotic romance author

I’m enjoying the experience of authorhood with my publisher Black Velvet Seductions. As an avid reader who enjoys writing, I find writing mentally therapeutic. However, I’ve also learned a few things about exposure and how to deal with it, especially in the erotic romance subgenre. A number of assumptions come along with being an erotic …

Writers support writers

This month has been an exciting one filled with achievements. I have joined a new family—Black Velvet Seductions, a publisher with a wide range of books, including erotic romances, sweet seduction stories, and supernatural romances. My erotic romance, Lessons on Seduction, will be available from them and I am excited! I’ve also been badged as …

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog. It’s my little corner where I will gladly share my tips, advice and knowledge about writing. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email at: [email protected] Here are some articles to support aspiring writers: Writing your first chapter